Ottawa Tourism excited to support “next generation of heroes” with 2024 Soccer Culture Kit

Atlético Ottawa has collaborated with Ottawa Tourism to bring a bold and colourful 2024 alternate jersey to life. The ‘Soccer Culture Kit’ represents how playful, diverse, and welcoming the nation’s capital is and will tell stories of athletes and community members who have and continue to contribute to the growth of the Beautiful Game.

This jersey is unlike anything Atlético Ottawa has produced so far, marking the club’s fifth year with a strong statement: it takes a village, or in this case a city, to grow the game.

Official supporters groups, Capital City Supporters Group and Bytown Boys Supporters Club, were recognized in the video as well as the non-profit Active Newcomer Youth Ottawa (ANYO), an organization that breaks down barriers to access soccer for new Canadians, including a free-to-play summer recreational league.

According to Ottawa Tourism’s Michael Crockatt, engaged community members are “so special and so valuable to our community” and this collaboration will allow both Ottawa Tourism and Atlético to celebrate those that “represent the spirit, culture and community of Ottawa” and the builders that we are “so proud of”.

“I think we can all be very proud of this jersey,” said Ottawa Tourism President and CEO, Crockatt. “Grassroots sports activity is where we see the community really come together and we start to see the next generation of heroes being developed. We are so proud of the athletes who go out and represent Ottawa in the world, but seeing where they start, and their development in the community is so special.

“I love Ottawa. I’ve lived here for 17 years, it’s an incredible city. It has a little bit of everything but not a duplicate of any other city in Canada.”

The design of the jersey draws upon the Ottawa Tourism radiant O family, which is the symbol of Ottawa Tourism representing the diversity of Ottawa’s identity, from its people to the experiences on offer.

“We are extremely proud of our radiant O and what it symbolizes about our community,” said Crockatt. “There are different versions of the radiant O. The traditional red, but also all these different colours that represent all the different parts of Ottawa’s identity. It’s really a reflection of the inclusive nature and diverse nature of our city that we are all really proud of.”

Each colour has its own meaning such as Outdoor Blue, Celebration Pink, Honour Coral, Progress Green, Discovery Orange and more. Atlético and Ottawa Tourism will work together to celebrate our community members shaping soccer culture locally and globally. The Ottawa community can nominate people or organizations who are or have contributed to the growth of the Beautiful Game in the nation’s capital by emailing:

The Soccer Culture Kit sports CPL sponsor Maple Lodge Farms on the front (who are part of an incredible initiative with the 2024 primary jersey) and is designed by Macron Sports. This unique jersey can be purchased right now at Atletico Ottawa’s Online Shop:

Look for it soon at Lansdowne Sports store and Dislavo Sports.