All You Need To Know About Attending The Finals – Match Day Guide

Hey there. Whether the CPL Championship Final on Sunday is your first match, or you’ve been with us since Day 1, there’s a bunch of info you should know ahead of coming to TD Place. We created something called the Match Day Guide which has everything in one spot. Check it out HERE.

Some basics to cover:

Get Here Early – Many are predicting that attendance records will be broken. So what does that mean for you? Well, for starters, you should get here early. Gates open at 4:30pm (for the 6pm kickoff) There are also other events happening at Lansdowne

Take Transit – OC Transpo is free with your match ticket so there’s no reason not to take it. Also, lots of places to lock up a bike. Anything but drive to Lansdowne should be your option. The parking underground is already sold out.  (click on the Match Day Guide for more)


Make Noise – The Supporter Section is the epicentre of noise. The closer you are to Section W (aka The ‘Dub) the louder it is. There is also smoke and drums and maybe the odd word that shant be repeated here. Passion comes in all sorts of forms, you know? And hey… if you want to look the part…

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Enjoy the Moment – This is history in the making. Take it in. Take photos and vids. Soak in this epic event. Everything else you need to know is in the Match Day Guide, which you can find by clicking below…
